The trouble with fur coats is that they are a magnet to seed heads! At the moment those seeds called "cobbler's pegs" - thin long black seeds with orange hooks at one end - are out in their thousands. Byron in particular seems to find them and comes home bristling with them!
We were in the park before seven in the morning so the sun was still low in the sky and had not dried up the evening dew. Colin spotted it first - the big spiderweb, slung between twigs and blades of grass. This time I had a spiderweb with a dark background. Most times I see them when I can only get the sky as the background.

How I wished I had the SLR with me for these shots. Why? The Aperture can be set with a low number (wide aperture) and this reduces the area in focus. As long as the web is in focus, everything behind or in front would be out of focus and so give even more definition to the beads of moisture on the web. See how in my photo the tree behind the web is so sharp you can almost count the leaves? With shallow focus the web would be just as sharp but the background would be a blur of colour - but still distinguishable as trees and shrubs.
There is a setting on our point and shoot cameras that might do the trick and I must try this some other time - Portrait setting, which is among the collection of options in the "Scene Mode", is intended to isolate a person from their background - maybe that will work.
I have just found the EXIF data for the photos and I am very surprised to note that both these pictures DID have the aperture set low and yet the depth of field is extremely wide. Confused? Me too!