It was an uneventful ride back home from our holiday camp site at Ballina. We have stayed in cabins before and to my way of thinking it makes a lot of sense to book a cabin for a couple of nights than to go to the expense of owning, outfitting and towing a caravan and then have to find some place to stow the van in the months that it is not used. We have stayed in a few different caravan park cabins and were only unhappy about one - and that was because of all the cockroaches that came out when the lights went out - we ended up keeping the lights on all night! Ugh!
We had a great "welcome home" and almost immediately my son arrived and he and Colin started to put up the camper trailer in the back yard - teenage granddaughter and friends were going to have a birthday camp-out.
This event had been planned for her birthday in May but it happened to rain and spoil the fun. So today is not really Taylah's birthday but she and eight other girls are going to have a sleepless night tonight safe in our back yard!
Pizza and lollies and a cheesecake have been devoured and I am sure they are all hyped up with coca-cola too! They have had a camp fire - which has now burned down to a little glow and they are all cosy inside the big tent - we put a sealed electric/oil radiator in with them because the nights are so cold (and because this sort of heater cannot cause a fire).
Here Colin and Taylah's little sister are helping to get the trailer ready for the night.
It will be interesting in the morning to see how tired the girls are! I wonder how many ghost stories will be told!
I would like to show you the variety that is within Australia starting with my own area south of Brisbane. My love is for photography and video. Photoshop is a fun program to use to improve any photo and I have been working with photoshop since version 3 - I now use Photoshop Elements. For video editing I use a variety of programs the main one being Adobe Premiere Elements. I look forward to have you visit occasionally. AJ
Saturday, June 28, 2014
Friday, June 27, 2014
One day in history
Each day we had passed a tourist sign
that pointed down a side road to Patchs beach (not a spelling
mistake, its possible there was a person named Patchs). Today we
followed that road to take a look. It was worth the effort. The beach
is another part of that same beach that is close to the caravan park
where we are staying and the sand stretches for miles into the far
distance. I could just make out the glint of sunlight on the window
of a vehicle but not the vehicle.
The beach is used by surf fishermen and
in different places there is access to the beach for four wheel
drives. Not far from where we walked to the sand I spotted a single
man up to his waist in the sea gamely trying his best to catch a
Leaving the fisherman behind we again
drove from Wardell to Alstonville because the scenery is so beautiful
along that road. This time we were to visit the house of one of the
founding members of the township, Ambrose Crawford. It has been
converted into a museum.
The house is weatherboard and was
Crawford's second house, built especially for his wife. Their first
home was a very simple cottage and that no longer exists.
When the family moved out the house was
gifted to the local council and it was used for as a baby clinic and
as a base for Meals on Wheels but a few years ago the Historical
Society asked for and were given the building to create a museum of
life in the early 20th century. One of the active members
of this society is one of the daughters of the family that lived
here, she is now in her nineties. We were lucky enough to be looking
around the house when she called in and she pointed out this
telephone that she told us was installed in 1913 and told how she
would love to listen in to the conversations with the earpiece held
to her ear.
Each of the rooms was displayed to show
off different features and apparently the displays are changed
fortnightly. In the bedroom was a collection of childrens clothing
and toys. One large standing doll caught my attention, it was the
size of a four year old child and had the most beautiful face and
jointed arms and legs. It was standing as if looking down into a
little dolls bed in which lay another small doll.
In the living room was yet another
doll, this time a full sized adult. Maybe this was a shop display
doll. Again the face was beautiful. The pianola (I think that is what
it is) was a popular piece of furniture in the 1920's. I have a
friend who treasures his old pianola and has hundreds of rolls of
Our holiday in the Ballina area is at
an end and tomorrow we drive home again to continue with our regular
lives. It will be good to be home but I have enjoyed seeing so many
of the interesting places down here.
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Definitely a beach day
I learned today why that group of
school children were learning about Aboriginal culture in the park
near Iluka. Today is Naidoc Day – a day of reconciliation for
Aboriginal,Torres Strait Islanders and non indigenous people. (Do a
Google search to learn more!) Festivals with demonstrations, stalls
and activities were held all over the country to bring people
But it wasn't until the day was almost
over that I learned about this. So we visited the town of Ballina and
wandered around, me with a camera and Colin with patience! I was
enjoying the public art along the foreshore.
Here are a few that I managed to
It is appropriate that fish and
pelicans are topics for art. This town must have the most
recreational fishermen in Australia! Of course, where fish are to be
cleaned there are pelicans to clean up the mess! There are real
pelicans on every patch of water.
This is a scrub turkey. Unlike domestic
turkeys, this one is not good to eat – an old joke is that you
pluck it and put it in a pan with water and a large stone. After two
hours cooking, you throw out the bird and eat the stone.
The Mickey Miner is a fun bird that is
quite cheeky. It can often be found around picnic tables hoping for a
handout! It is a common native bird that can be found almost
everywhere around Australia.
The Butcher Bird is just fractionally
larger than Mickey Miner (these are the “common” names) and it
too loves to beg for treats around picnic tables. This one treated us
to a beautiful little song as it tried to tell us that it was
absolutely starving, hungry!
Now to share two pictures of the beach
at Lennox Heads.
The first camera shot is looking
towards the headland and the township.
The second is aimed in the opposite
direction. We are into winter (with snow down south) so it would be
unusual to see swimmers in the water – mind you the water
temperature is actually warmer than the outside air temperature. It
is 23 degrees C! Look at all that beautiful sand – the beaches down
this way are gorgeous!
Tomorrow Colina and I will head inland
away from the beaches. I love the countryside around here. It is very
attractive with hills, trees, waterfalls, rainforests, cattle grazing
on lush green fields and winding roads.
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Beaches and forests
Staying so close to a beach I just had
to make the effort to get at least one sunrise over the sea. Back home
I am surrounded by tall trees so although I do see colour in the sky it
is short lived and unsuited to a photograph. This was my opportunity!
It was cold! Further south they are
having snow and blizzards and the chill reached up to us this
morning! Brrr! However I resisted the urge to snuggle down into the
bedclothes and dressed in warm fleece and waterproof jacket to sheild
from the wind I lugged my heavy tripod and my trusty Nikon across the
sand dunes to the beach. The dune ground cover didn't offer an
interesting foreground interest so I had to let the sky take centre
stage. What looked as though it would be a spectacular display turned
out to be a disappointment with clouds racing in and denying me a
sight of the sun rising. However I did get quite a few pretty shots,
thanks to my 200mm lens.
It was great to return to a hot shower
and breakfast! An invigorating start to the day!
On the way out for our day's
exploration, we stopped briefly to take a couple of pictures of the
smallest Post Office in NSW. It looks as if one of the veranda
railings has been broken and temporary plastic fencing put up to stop
customers falling off !
This is the Empire Vale post Office on
the Richmond River a few kilometers from Wardell. Empire Vale is a
tiny little town – a “blink and you'll miss it” town. Colin and
I drive through Empire Vale every day either on the way out or on the
way back to the caravan park when we choose not to use the ferry
across the river.
Our car trip took us first to Evans
Head where we first visited a small sandy bay that even on this cool
morning attracted a couple of young boys who, when we were leaving,
were splashing happily in the waters edge.
Driving up the hill above this beach we
were able to look down on the attractive coastline. Evans Head is a
very popular (quiet) holiday destination. I can see why.
On the way to see another holiday
destination I took a turn into what was signed as Shark Bay Picnic
Grounds and when we left the car we were surprised to hear the sound
of many young children. We did not intrude on the groups of children
and their teachers but it appeared that an entire school was being
conducted here in on the lawns of the picnic area or on the beach and
the subject was evidently Aboriginal culture. One group was playing
rhythm sticks and chanting and another group were busy painting on
sheets of paper spread on the ground using sticks and fingers, The
Aboriginal flag was suspended between the branches of one of the low
When we arrived in Iluka, Colin and I
walked into the Heritage Listed Rainforest which is right against the
beach. Voluteers have spent many hours removing domestic plants from
the rainforest that had threatened to smother everything. Asparagus
fern is one of those plants – it spreads rapidly and has wicked
thorns on it too.
As we drove in to the town of Iluka we
drove through patches of rainforest, eucalypt forest and maleluca
forest, it was amazing how the pattern of trees kept changing. I
could not understand why the little patch of rainforest that was in
the township should have been heritage listed and not the forest on
the drive in to the town (that did not appear to be filled with feral
plants). There must be a reason.
Iluka has a fishing fleet of trawlers
and after taking a couple of pictures I amused myself by trying to
catch a shot of the terns as they dived for fish in the adjacent
yacht harbour. I only caught the splash!
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
To the woods!
When we first arrived in Ballina
township we called into the Information Office – most large towns
have such a place, it is where travellers can get information about
the town and district and even learn where to stay, where to eat and
any special events that might be happening during the time of their
stay. The helpful young lady who rushed to our assistance gave us
quite a lot of help and insisted that we should visit Victoria Park.
Apparantly, before the timbermen, who were chasing the red cedar, had
destroyed most of the natural rainforest, a tiny parcel of 8 hectares
had been secured from devastation as a reminder of what the country
once was. Both Colin and I are nature lovers so this was definitely
on our “to visit” list. Actually, it was not just the timbermen
who destroyed the natural bush, the government did too – they sold
much of the tree covered land where the cedar had been taken, for
people to farm - on condition that they cleared it of bush.
We had Victoria Park to ourselves. A
timber boardwalk has been created to take you through the small patch
of rainforest without touching the ground.
The reserve is actually larger than the
8 hectares of rainforest, and regeneration in the area surrounding
that remnant of forest will increase its size in time. Large
rainforest trees often have what is known as “buttress roots”
They are very shallow penetrating which means that in ultra strong
winds the massive trees will topple over and cause a domino effect
with their fall, forcing over other trees.
At last I managed to get a photograph
of myself! I had to set the camera up and work out how to get into
the shot and persuaded Colin to press the button. For some reason we
had to have three tries before he actually managed to press the
button firmly enough for the shot to be taken! No, I was not inside
the rainforest where we were asked to stay on the boardwalk, this
tree was on the very edge beside the carpark! The rest of the
rainforest is behind it.
Another place that our helpful
Information Ofice girl told us about was Summerland House. Actually my
tour guide son had told us about it only a week earlier and
recommended that we try to visit. Anyway, we did visit. This is a
farm that is worked by handicapped people and is obviously a very
productive and successful farm. Avocados, macadamia nuts and
hydrophonic tomatoes are the main crops grown and a tractor tour of
the farm was a real eye opener to the success of the place.
As well as the farm there are shops
where gifts can be bought, farm grown groceries can be bought and a
nursery where plants can be bought.
I would have loved to have bought a few
of the plants that were here – they looked so strong and were not
expensive either. Maybe we could call in again on the way home. Its
four days before we pack up to leave this caravan park (which is
deserted now the weekend is over!)
The evening light was beautiful when I
looked out of the window of our cabin back at the caravan park so we hastily jumped into the car to get to
where we could see the sun setting over the water. It was dazzling
bright and not good for photography so I waited until the sun
dropped out of sight. The clouds were beautiful so I contented myself
with a shot of them. Driving back to the camp again the tiny clouds
overhead and in the East were reds and yellows. It makes you feel
good to see the beauty that nature can provide!
We intend to head South tomorrow. Fingers crossed that the weather stays as good as this!
Monday, June 23, 2014
A place with a lifting bridge
It is so quiet here in South Ballina.
No traffic and no sounds other than the sound of rain on the roof
last night. When we eventually decided to get out of bed the rain had
dried up and the clouds were almost gone. In fact the sky was so blue
after we had eaten our breakfast that I persuaded my stay at home
hubby to come for a walk to the beach. The beach is almost adjacent
to the caravan park we are staying in.
The walk did us both good and Colin
looked quite happy to be out on the sands.
There wasn't another person on the
beach for as far as the eye could see. This is supposed to be a
surfing beach but the waves were very small indeed.
We needed a few pantry items from the
shops in Ballina (we are a ferry ride across the river from Ballina)
so the day was planned so that I could take a few shots in Wardell
which was on the road trip to Ballina from here, There was time for a
cup of coffee before we left so I can show you the little cabin that
is our temporary home here in South Ballina.
I had read that Wardell had a few
historic buildings in it – historic in Australia terms but only
just over one hundred years old. I took a few pictures of what I
could see were old building – the original Post Office is now
closed and empty of everything except a few pieces of large
Post offices like this one were to be
found in country towns all over country Australia. They were painted
white and proudly displayed the Aussie flag on the flagpole out the
The most dramatic old structure in
Wardell is the lifting bridge over the Richmond River that is still
used by all the cars buses and trucks that use the Pacific Highway
between Sydney and Brisbane. I really do not know if the bridge is
still operational or if it even needs to be. Once upon a time
paddlesteamers and yachts would sail up and down the river and need
the higher clearance. I did once see the bridge lift for a high
masted yacht but that was a few years ago.
And under a small road bridge beside
the big lifting bridge is this wonderful painting. Obviously done by
someone who loves music!
Before heading back to the caravan park
I drove Colin along the track I walked along the Richmond River. When
I walked it I stopped before reaching landsend where the river met
the ocean but this time we bounced our way over deep holes and
corrugations on the gravel track and then walked out along the
breakwater where we were lucky enough to see whales passing by. The
whales did not do anything exciting – like breaching or like tail
flapping but they did break the surface of the water and occasionally
blew spray into the air. This was a lucky shot! We stayed and watched
for half an hour and in that time saw at least a dozen whales –
many too far away to see anything more than the spray but a few close
enough to capture with the 200mm lens.
As we retreated to the car we paused
briefly to watch as an early fishing boat headed out to the open
waters, The bar is calmer on the further side, the waves were really
rolling towards the rocks on our side of the estuary.
Another fascinating day and lots more
photos to pack into my hard drives!
I have made tentative plans for
tomorrow but if the weather changes (it is like summer) then our
plans will change too! I will tell you about what we did, tomorrow!
Sunday, June 22, 2014
A holiday for Colin
I'm on the move again! This time my
trip is to a caravan park only a half day's drive from home. I felt
so guilty about having a trip without my husband that I organised a
week where we could holiday together. The trouble is, I enjoy going
away and seeing and doing new things but hubby would far rather stay
home and “potter”!
So we are at South Balina but before we
picked up the key to our “superior cabin” we called in to the
town of Ballina and walked along a path beside the sea.
At this stage Colin looked happy – he
had spotted whales spouting way out to sea and the sun was warm on
this mid winter day.
New concrete boulders had been added to
the sea wall – we learned this when Colin stopped a local and asked
about the white things that we could see out there.
I was busy taking photos of the banksia
flowers, the blossoms are at their best at this time of the year, A
noisy miner was enjoying the nectar from one of the heads of flowers
(each of those thin whiskers is an individual flower) so I just had
to include his picture!
We had seen a sign post to the
lighthouse and our beach-side walk took us right to it. What a little
lighthouse! With all the trees on the beach front and around the
lawns of the lighthouse, it s a wonder that the light can be seen by
any ships! My photo shows the only clear view of the sea that the
lighthouse has.
To reach the place where we are staying
tonight and for the next few days, we could either drive a long way
before we could reach a bridge over the Richmond River or we could
put the car on the ferry. Since I was the driver, I chose the ferry!
Here it is coming in to the Ballina
side of the river.
And here is my smart little red road
racer, enjoying a cruise on the river!
Once we had unpacked the car and
boiled the kettle for a “cuppa” Colin was ready to sit down and
relax – but I wanted to go for a walk. That worked! I took my
camera and off I went!
I wont bore you with the pictures I
took – I like them but they are just plants and trees and river and
trawlers sailing out at sunset and that sort of thing. But I will
show you This one.
I spotted these tiny flowers and they
seemed to have little faces on them. They even look as if they two of
them are blowing bubbles!
I was hoping that I would be treated to
a spectacular sunset and sat myself down on the river bank and waited
– but the clouds fizzled out and it was becoming very evident that
all that would happen would be a glow. Realising that I might end up
having to walk back along a gravel road in the dark I gave up waiting
for the sunset and headed back towards the caravan park. Passing a
boat ramp I was thrilled to realise I would get my photograph after
all. This is what I captured.
Colin was just beginning to be
concerned about my whereabouts when I walked through the door. Then
it was time to prepare the evening meal – and the time when I
realised that I had forgotten to bring a few essential things that we
really needed for cooking! Sigh! Looks like we go shopping tomorrow
before we go exploring – or maybe we can do it the other way
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