Every morning without fail I feed the birds. The first of my feathered friends to arrive are the
lorikeets and at this time of the year they are particularly noisy and in large numbers. Not only is is mating time but there are plenty of youngsters who are now out on their own that have learned that human hand-outs are worth screeching for! These
lorikeets are supposed to mate for life and yet as I watch them they seem to flirt first with one bird and then, when she rejects him by flying off, they flirt with the next nearest female! After all the twenty years of feeding the birds I still cannot tell the difference between the sexes - its just as well they can get it right!

Once the
lorikeets have taken their fill of sweet water and bread - I use raw sugar in water, it is natural and does not attract the bees as honey would. The birds love it - as you can tell! - the finches come in.
I put out budgerigar seed for the finches and manage to attract three different varieties. Red Brow, Double Bar and Chestnut Breasted. The picture I have included is of Chestnut Breasted finches, they usually come in flocks, they seem to be a far more sociable bird than the other two varieties of finch. However all the finches are flighty and take fright very easily. The Chestnut Breasted are by far the most timid and must have vivid imaginations! They scatter the seed everywhere when they panic to leave!
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