The timber walkway has been replaced with a wider walkway and a boulder barricade put a little distance out so that the next huge seas do not cause the damage the last one did.

The little yachts are all ready for action for the River Carnival (on Sunday)
I am weary but it is a good weariness! I have just been listening and, of course, chipping in with Questions, to a speaker at the FAMM Convention. This speaker is from Bond University and was talking about many things relating to video, light, sound and objectives. Very stimulating!
Another of the speakers held more appeal to the (even) older conventioneers - is that a word? - as he was talking about and demonstrating his money earning video job - telecine conversion. In other words, transferring old movies to DVD. There was plenty of chat about film and video speed relating to "flicker" - a typical result of the film speed not matching the video speed and a phenomena of conversions done by backyard conversions as well as those done by camera shops that offer that facility. Anyway, I am not at all interested in that particular subject so sat quietly and behaved myself (for a change!)
During the morning the AGM was held so not all attendees at the Convention attended. At that meeting I was elected to the Board as the Queensland Directer. That sounds impressive but until I manage to raise my voice and encourage change I do not need any congratulations!
Visions members will be horrified to learn that I have also agreed to rejoin the Gold Coast Video Club and start to try and encourage more thoughtful video making.
After seeing the videos shown so far (only the one minute videos) I was so disappointed in the quality of the video making that I feel motivated to get on my video hobby horse once again and start stirring and hopefully start one group to get creative. As Qld Director I may be able to visit other Queensland Clubs and keep the enthusiasm flowing elsewhere too - but many people I am meeting are so cock-sure of themselves that they will be closed to any input from an outsider. They can quote the techniques and can possibly write excellent tutorials but they cannot make videos.
More videos to watch tonight so I had better get ready for them!
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