Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Remembering yesterday

This week has been one of Heritage  - on Sunday I made my first visit to the Mudgeeraba Heritage Centre because there was to be a special commemoration of the turning on of Electricity 75 years ago.
Of course I was not in Mudgeeraba when it was still dark, in fact I was not even a twinkle in my father's eye at that time, let alone aware of a place called Mudgeeraba! But remembering the things that were done that have influenced today has become very important to Australians. Australia's history is not very long but it is very much appreciated.
The volunteers who are responsible for the very presence of the Heritage Centre had been labouring long and hard at restoring a very old street lamp. Many hours of work had gone into the removal of rust and creation of the perspex "glass" as well as wiring so that the lamp could not only act as a dramatic feature to the grounds but be a security light too.
Speeches were made, local politicians heaped praise and the light was switched on - not with a roll of drums but with the blast from two vintage rifles.
Early pupils from the Mudgeeraba Primary School were among the audience and they were the ones who symbolically switched the light on.
This photo does not show the switching on of the light, it is included to show where the light is and how it fits into its new location. The old buildings are so smart and well maintained as are all the artifacts inside and out. It is a pleasure to walk around and gaze on all these utensils from the past. For there is nothing here of real monetary value but it is all of rich memory value.
Nothing like this can be done without money and all is done by donation. A donation towards the restoration of the old street lamp was given to the Heritage Centre by the Mudg Foundation and after all the speeches the Director of the Mudg Foundation, Peter Oschenbein, handed another cheque to the committee to help with further projects.
If you are interested in learning more about the Mudg Foundation, click here.
I have taken plenty of photographs of the Mudgeeraba Heritage Centre so I will write about the place again!


  1. How Wonderful. We live in Mudgeeraba and love it. If you don't mind me asking..would you know of any Travel Groups that are somewhat local to Mudgeeraba? My mum who is retired..would love to find a Travel group, but has had no luck.
    Cheers, Vi

  2. If you were to contact me by email I will pass on some information your mother might be able to use.
