Monday, August 6, 2012

Coffee in the country

It was a perfect Sunday, plenty of warm sunshine and petrol in the car. So warm that most people drove to the beaches so Colin and I drove in the opposite direction and into the country. It was a good choice, there was barely a car on the road!
We stopped and purchased bananas and avocados from a grower and pulled over to take photos of the magnificent scenery and wasted our time in a manner we both enjoy.
 A canefield that has been harvested allowing a clear view across to Mt Warning. A mountain named by the explorer Captain Cook because he felt that it would serve as a warning to shipping about a reef that was off the coast of NSW.
When we saw a couple of railway carriages through a gateway and a sign indicating that coffee and cake were available, we stopped
The Cafe cum craft gallery is called the "Red Rattler" however the red paint has faded in the weather and looks a little drab. We drove the car down the drive and parked in the huge carpark next to this signboard.
There was no chance of a rail motor passing since there were no rail tracks! The sign added to the fun atmosphere though.
I poked my head around the door of the first carriage - both were linked with a timber board floor and shade sales - and this carriage was filled with nick-knacks of every description. Paintings adorned the walls, stain glass light catchers hung from everywhere and if anything could be hand crafted and sold, it was here.
Being quite capable of creating my own craft and not wanting any more I moved on down to where we could order a coffee. While waiting for it to be made I poked my camera into the second carriage - this one had been set out as a dining room - there was even a piano (playable) in the guards compartment at the end!
We did enjoy our brief visit to the Red Rattler, the coffee was good, the staff happy and pleasant and the carriages fun to visit.
With plenty of memory still left in my SD card I was impatient to move on and find more subjects to aim the camera at!

1 comment:

  1. That's one way of displaying all the 'stuff' we collect through our lives!! I must get a railway carriage!
