Monday, July 23, 2012

Creating a mess

It has been a while since I have added anything to my blog - so to rejuvenate things I have changed the appearance of it. I have become rather annoyed with the  black background and the small area in which the text is displayed. I hope that this new appearance is more appealing - both to you and to me!
Changes are happening in my front garden too. Everything grows very fast here in the subtropical area of Southern Queensland. Trees especially! I have plenty of shrubs in my garden that seem to have "taken over" and swamped the smaller plants and ferns so yesterday I went out with shears and snips and created havoc! Good fun! (I can hardly move this morning, though.)
When I stepped outside and saw the mess that I have to clear up I took my camera out with me. I can show you the disaster zone!

So you can see what I have to do this morning! The plant in the top picture was actually quite easy to prune - the stems or branches are easily snapped so I found it much quicker to put one hand at the place I wanted to break the branches off and with the other hand, pull the branch or collection of branches, towards me. It didn't take very long at all. Putting the stuff into rough heaps took longer!
We have a pretty shrub that is called a "snowball bush" that loves to be pruned and will grow thicker and much more attractive when cut severely. This is where the secateurs came into use and why my hands are quite sore today!
When plants grow so easily it does make me wonder why most of the gardens in this city are devoid of them! The majority of gardens have only lawn and a couple of trees or shrubs. I love colour and the best gift from a visitor is not a box of chocolates, but something I can put in the garden!


  1. Can you see Byron standing on the road? He was most upset that he wasn't the main topic of this blog. He loves having his photo taken.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Well done Joan! It is very satisfying cutting back and clearing. Your garden is always full of interest and colour. My favourite job. I do like your new blog page. More warm and friendly looking! x

  4. Thank you Susan, more to do today. Thank you also for the comment about the appearance of the blog.

  5. You make me feel lazy but I love the results in your garden. I noticed Byron. Where was Samson?

  6. If I let Samson out into the front garden he forgets himself and follows a scent and disappears - then he has no idea how to find "home". So Samson is not allowed out of the fenced area unless on a lead!
