Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fresh is best

I am about to prepare our evening meal. After washing and de-stalking the tomatoes and running the lettuce under the tap to make sure there were no creepy crawlies I realised that most people have to rely on the supermarket for their vegetables. Instant reflex - grab a camera!
First the Tiny Tim tomatoes that have self seeded and grown with very little assistance from anyone.
The location is not glamorous - I am not an expert at photographing food (just eating it.). As you can tell, the tomatoes are sitting on the edge of the kitchen sink!
Even better - the lettuce. This variety of lettuce leaves is called "mescalin" there are about five different sorts of leaves with different leaf shapes and colour.
The reflections at the back are because the colander the leaves are in is in the stainless steel sink. Rather effective!
And here is the garden. Colin is the major operator in the veggie plot - I just grow the seeds and plant the seedlings!

He does all the digging, fertilizing and watering. It is his little domain (I wont let him in the flower garden except to dig out things I can't manage!)
And here is what we have planted.
 I took this from the upstairs veranda from beside the bird feeder. There is no point planting carrots when they are so cheap in the shops - and they don't like growing in clay soil anyway. The same goes for some of the other vegetables that grow in abundance so that there is a glut  when they come in.
We do like the home pickled beetroot so I am always planting new batches of them!
Now to go and eat that lettuce and some of the tomatoes!

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