I would like to show you the variety that is within Australia starting with my own area south of Brisbane. My love is for photography and video. Photoshop is a fun program to use to improve any photo and I have been working with photoshop since version 3 - I now use Photoshop Elements. For video editing I use a variety of programs the main one being Adobe Premiere Elements. I look forward to have you visit occasionally. AJ
Saturday, July 31, 2010
lost data
Yesterday a member of our Visions group rang me in a panic. She and her partner have just returned home from a four month trip and it was all recorded on her little hard drive camcorder. Approximately four hours of video.
What had happened to upset this lass was that the program she used to transfer some of her video to the computer did something unusual and everything disappeared. When the camera was removed from the computer it had a spine chilling message across the screen.
"No files to be reviewed"
It looked as if the camera hard drive had been cleared completely.
Over the phone I gave instructions on how to search for the video files on the computer. No files could be found on any drive and the voice was becoming more and more frantic.
I advised finding out about data retrieval and thirty minutes later I heard back - the cost is astronomical. $150 just to leave the camera and then possibly another $500-$600 to retrieve the files - but no guarantee of success.
I told her to drive down and bring the camera and I would see what I could do. We had a Visions meeting today and if she stayed the night I would be able to give her the camera back in the morning.
While she was on her way I downloaded a couple of freeware programs for data retrieval and tried them out on my son's hard drive camera. They both worked quickly and effectively finding the same deleted files from the camera hard drive. This gave me confidence in being able to help with this problem. The program I had purchased - also from the 'net - was for memory cards and this took forever but failed to find any files. If I hear a request in the comments to this mail I will give the names of the programs I downloaded.
To cut a long story short, I was able to find the files on the camera hard drive without using either of the programs. I have no idea what has happened but I do have an inkling - the files were in a named folder and then in sub folders which seems to indicate that when the movie files were being transferred they were actually being transferred to the drive letter that was the camera and not to the drive letter on the computer.
I was able to copy the folders (one with difficulty as it kept on breaking the connection between the camera and computer) and then copy the folders onto a Passport hard drive.
We now have one very relieved holiday maker who now has video to edit.
I have had an email this evening to advise that the files were transferred without problem from the passport to the main computer. no sleepless night tonight!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Wot a wet day!

f/5.6 1/8 sec 78mm ISO 200
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Using the flash gun
To begin with the camera decided it wasn't going to recognise the flash and my spirits sagged.
I removed the flash and replaced it and set the camera to Aperture priority - on f/5.6
I wanted a fairly shallow depth of field - there is no point having a decent camera if what you take looks like a snapshot from a point and shoot! Unfortunately I am slipping into the DSLR "snobbery" of making my shots look "special"! Well, why not! When you have a good camera , you should try to take good photographs!
The first photograph I took was educational. I knew that the flash needed to be bounced but I did not realise just how the angle of the bounce would make such a huge difference to the lighting. It makes sense of course but this is the first shot. The timber at the far end is over bright and has a cloudy appearance. The position of the camera is not good either - the nearest side of the electric organ is an unsightly blur in the foreground and is very distracting. The blur seems to hold the eye rather than the eye be taken to the sharpest part of the photo.

Saturday, July 24, 2010
change of settings
This camera shoots in mpg format which is a compressed format. When any editing is done it is compressed even further. Digital video on tape is a large .avi file and is sharp, movement is smooth and the only thing better is hi-def. When digital video is edited and exported to DVD (which is the accepted format for sharing) it is converted to a compressed format - mpg and quality is lost.
The cameras are improving all the time but the better quality is lost once it is put onto DVD. By the time we can all afford blueray burners and players the shooting quality will once more be higher and the same annoyance will be there!
Friday, July 23, 2010
Birds at breakfast
Last night I delved into the menu of Steve's camera and found that he had it set on "Standard" quality. Of course I changed it to the high quality setting and immediately the LCD screen showed a marked difference. This camera is "on" when the screen is opened. Of course the screen was open for me to access the menu. Using the menu is by touching the screen.
This morning was warm enough for breakfast on the veranda. There was no wind to give that chill that drives you indoors!
At eight o clock I put out food for the lorikeets and seeds for the finches (all wild birds) so they were all full of excitement as we sat down at the table.
I have not used the Nikon D90 for video very much so I used it today to record this little incident. The video will be added to this post as soon as it has been uploaded to Flickr (it is going to take ages today, for some reason! I suppose it is because the quality is higher than what I had yesterday!)
This seems to have been the mildest winter I can remember. There has been no ground frost this year and although there have been a few days that have been cold - they have not been too difficult to take! One year we had such a severe frost that it killed the leaves on most of the plants in my garden including those on the palm trees. The palms took over 12 months to shed all the brown leaves. I am not sorry that it hasn't happened this year.
Changing the subject!
When I edit my videos I often need to replace sound. Recording the images when the action is interesting does not always coincide with the best sound. For instance, on a recent boat trip my video was taken out on the deck in a strong breeze and the camera microphone picked up that dreadful roar. Even when the wind was not the problem the sound was more of the engine rumble than of the water splashing against the boat. This is why I have always tried to record my own background sounds - this has a strange name "foley". when I edited the video of the boat trip I was able to remove the bad sound from the sound track and replace it with sounds I have recorded and saved. Sometimes this sound was actually recorded with video - my sound recording is done with my video camera - and using "Audition" (in my case - but I think any audio editor will do the same thing) I could locate the file on my computer and click on "extract audio from video" and the sound would appear on the Audition timeline - where I could edit it. When I say "edit" that means I can remove sounds from it that are not wanted, such as shouting, dogs barking, the bang of something being put down heavily, and so forth. Once the sound is edited it can be saved with a new name as either a .wav file or .mp3 file - I usually save as .mp3. Once saved it can be used anywhere, in video or in photo montages.
My bird file is only 6% uploaded after all this time so I will publish this jotting and add the video once it is available.

I have looked to see if adsl-2 is available but of course it is not for this patch of the Gold Coast! I should move into the country!
The speed of uploading a couple of short clips has put me off trying to put "real" videos in Youtube. The size of the movie I am trying to load is only 105mb on my hd.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Video of my dogs
I have just taken a few seconds of video of my "family"! Introducing my two boys checking out the swimming pool. It is the middle of July and this is supposed to be winter. The temperature is 21 outside and jumpers are not needed today!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Sunset at last!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Fingal dolphins
This was taken with the Nikon P90 which requires the user to activate the live-view (big screen on the back) and then press the OK button to start the recording. Since I had been using the camera as a telescope previously the focus was already set to the right distance.
This is nothing spectacular but just a bit of fun - if you are observant you will see what I didn't see at the time - a whale in the distance just breaks the surface as the clip ends!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Using a texture to give mood

I have not used textures to any extent so this was an experiment to see what would happen.
The texture was pasted over the worked picture of the trees and I scrolled through the various blending modes to see what blend worked the best. Up and down through the different blends I went two or three times and the one that suited this picture the best was Overlay. At full strength it was rather too heavy so I reduced the opacity a bit.

Liking this effect I did no more! It is a temptation to keep on doing more and more to a picture! So the layers were flattened and this is the end result.

Friday, July 9, 2010
ten minutes in the garden

Monday, July 5, 2010
A character of the Australian Bush

Sunday, July 4, 2010
An addition to the Selective Color tutorial

Trying the 300mm lens

Saturday, July 3, 2010
New camera, new experiences