Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Change of identity

Byron has had a haircut today. This morning he was a cuddly, fluffy dog but by lunchtime his time with the pretty girls in at the poodle parlour resulted in a change of appearance - and a drastic change in personality. Byron is not in the least fazed by the thought of losing all his woolly coat, he marched through the doors of the salon with so much determination that I felt a wee bit jealous! No shrinking violet, he! In the early days he would have to be towed through the doors and would cry when one of the girls took his lead to take him into the shearing part of the shop - but these days he trots off with anyone with no backward glance. He knows I will be back.
Time for a few photos to show the difference a haircut made to him.
Before . . . . .
and after . . . . .

Now can you see what I am saying? These pictures were taken on the same day, the long hair shot was taken at breakfast time (I replaced the background! it was messy) The second shot was taken about one thirty just as I brought him home. The bandanna makes a colourful touch - that was put on by one of the salon girls. See how Byron's eyes look brighter and his shoulders no longer hunched - this next shot will show you the difference in his stance - he is a young dog again! (Byron is ten going on eleven years old.)
He even looks as if his nose is longer (maybe I brought the wrong dog home!)
When I was paying for his haircut the girl who had looked after him held up a little plastic bag with a round grey coloured insect in it - she had found a tick on Byron's chest. We had chosen to have him clipped at exactly the right time. Another day and that tick would have injected its poison and Byron would have lost the use of his legs then would be unable to swallow and a couple of days later, die. Treatment is hugely expensive but necessary and mostly is successful. (Hundreds of dollars in vet fees).
The clip is our way of being able to watch for these killer insects on Byron. When long, his coat is just too curly and thick to be able to feel a tick on his skin.

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