Friday, September 3, 2010

A strawberry treat

One of the not so well known delights of this holiday destination, the Gold Coast, is the "Strawberry Farm". When we first moved here to live it really was a strawberry farm with a small shed from which visitors could purchase a "strawberry cone" or they could pay to pick themselves a few strawberries. Today the strawberry fields have gone and the shed has expanded to provide not only the delicious and quite decadent "Strawberry cone" but hot snacks and the usual chocolate bars and things.
When Colin and I explored the district two Sundays ago we ended our excursion by stopping here at Pimpama (the name of the district) to remind ourselves of how these ice-creams tasted! It has been a long while since we were here.
These very large ice-creams have chopped strawberries in the bottom then a squirt of fresh cream then heaps of ice-cream that has had fresh chopped strawberries mixed through. Topped with more fresh cream and half a strawberry.
Come with us on one of our trips and I will 'shout' you one!