Passing the building called "Dinosaur Museum" on route to Cockington Green, I really wanted to go in and take a look around. This opportunity came since I had been around the entire display of the miniature village and ridden on the miniature train by lunch time and since we had a couple of spare hours to kill Colin and I hopped in the car and went over the road.
It was fabulous! The displays were cleverly laid out in a logical way and colourful dioramas were set up to give an idea of how life might have looked in the time of the dinosaurs.
Unlike many museums the display was not immense nor was it scattered all over the place involving lots of walking. Imagine a long room that has a stair case that takes you first to the centre of that room. then walk anticlockwise around the room to finish back at the top of the stairs. We were hardly aware of walking any distance because there were so many times we stopped and looked, photographed and read the interesting signs that accompanied the fossils. Unlike the stuffy details of museum artifacts of the past, the text was amusing short and interesting too.

The walk around the display took us from the start of life with the fossils of stromatolites and other tiny non bony creatures - such as jelly fish, through the different dinosaurs from small to absolutely immense and right round to the big bang that ended the life of the dinosaurs and opened the window for the mammals to develop.

many of the photos that were taken were taken without a flash even though the light was very low. I used Aperture setting and although I did not have a tripod there was only one shot that I have to discard.
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