I am not good at early mornings! After driving for two hours I found that I could not stop yawning so pulled in to have a wake up cup of tea at "Little Italy" and push Colin into the drivers seat for an hour. We found the BEST place to stop for lunch! Nambucca Heads is beautiful along the water. This wet shot was taken from where we ate. A fellow was casting a line out into the briny but he was either using the wrong bait or wasn't holding his rod right or something but he caught nothing in the 30 minutes we were there! I know nothing about fishing but he had no float on his line so he was after some bottom feeder fish, no wonder Aussie fishermen hook rocks and other snags! A float is good, not only does it hold the bait higher in the water but it shows when something tugs on it. Those are my memories of fishing with Dad in the Rivers of the UK! Oh yes! in the UK not a sound or movement is made when trying to catch a fish - a bit different to the noisy blokes I have watched here in Oz! Radios blaring and the snap and hiss as the ring pulls are yanked of the top of cans!

Yes, Nambucca Heads appealed to both Colin and me and we vowed to visit another day.
Out stop for the night is at Port Macquarie and we were greeted with a change in the weather. Just as we drove in to the Internet booked motel a few splashes of rain hit the car. Determined to see something of the place we had a quick cup of tea and hopped back in the car - I wanted a couple of photos. "Place of Worship" is one of the topics for Visions this month so I needed a church. Just as I clambered out of the car to take my shot the thunder gave an enormous belch and the rain started in earnest. I managed only one picture before I got the lens wet so we got back into the car and did an American tour of the town - seeing the place from the car without stopping.
The motel we have chosen is cheap and cheerful and we wont be returning to it - I had thought we might on the return. We shall go to the Bowls club for tea since it has been recommended. Tomorrow we should be in the Blue Mountains and that is where I intend to really make use of this camera of mine (Steven's! It's borrowed!)
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